Orifice Discharge Apparatus MODEL FM 04
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Orifice Discharge Apparatus MODEL FM 04
Sci-tech Orifice Discharge Apparatus Model FM 04 has been designed to enable students to determine the co-efficient of discharge of sharp edged orifice and nozzles. It consists of a vertically mounted cylindrical transparent plastic water tank. Water is supplied from the hydraulic bench or any closed circuit controlled water supply system. The orifice is fitted in the base of the tank using special fittings flush with the inside surface. The head above the orifice is maintained constant using adjustable overflow pipe and the level is indicated by the level scale.
Size: | 45cm x 45cm x 80cm (LxWxH) |
Weight: | 20 kg |
Item Description
Orifice is a simple device used to measure fluid flow in pipes Sci-tech Orifice Discharge Apparatus Model FM 04 has been designed to enable students to determine the co-efficient of discharge of sharp edged orifice and nozzles. It consists of a vertically mounted cylindrical transparent plastic water tank. Water is supplied from the hydraulic bench or any closed circuit controlled water supply system. The orifice is fitted in the base of the tank using special fittings flush with the inside surface. The head above the orifice is maintained constant using adjustable overflow pipe and the level is indicated by the level scale.
The flow rate through the orifice can be varied by adjusting the level of the overflow pipe suitably and hence the head over the orifice. Water emerging from the orifice is collected in the measuring tank of the hydraulic bench to make actual discharge measurements. A pitot tube with a traversing device is provided to measure the jet diameter and locate the vena contract to enable determination of contraction co-efficient. The pitot head and the total head over the orifice is measured using manometer tubes fixed adjacent to the tank. A set of four nozzles is also provided in addition to the sharp edged orifice to study the effect of geometry on the co-efficient of discharge.
The Orifice Discharge Apparatus is designed to fit onto the platform of Sci-tech Hydraulic Bench FM100 or any other standard hydraulic bench models. Adjustable feet are provided to permit accurate leveling of the equipment before use.
The complete unit is manufactured from corrosion resistant materials.
The Orifice Discharge Apparatus is an important experimental set-up for any Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Laboratory of an educational institution
‘Sci-Cal’ Computer Based Learning Software is included to enable students understand and conduct experiments, tabulate results and plot graphs.
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