Water Treatment & Conditioning Plant ENV 011
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Water Treatment & Conditioning Plant ENV 011
Sci-tech Water Treatment & Conditioning Plant Model ENV 011 is designed to perform practical experiments of water conditioning. The realization of this equipment allows the treatment up to 170 litres of polluted water. The plant is very flexible and can be used for the treatment of water containing different kinds of pollutant substances.
Item Description
The quantity of pollutant substances can vary within the values that are normally shown in the industrial wastewaters. The industrial wastewaters can be split into first classification, into the ones containing organic products, determining a decrease of oxygen dissolved in the rivers where they flow and into wastes containing inorganic products whose toxicity is typical of the dissolved compounds. Other classification is of pollution are caused by sedimentary and suspension substances. The unit is supplied with manuals, which describe all parts of the plant, the installation and utilization procedures, as well as many exercises with the relative results.
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