Thermal Conductivity Unit for Liquids and Gases Model TH 014
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Thermal Conductivity Unit for Liquids and Gases Model TH 014
Sci-tech Thermal Conductivity Unit for Liquids and Gases Model TH 014 has been designed to study steady state one dimensional heat conduction in liquids and gases. Provision is made to determine the thermal conductivity of fluids such as air, water and oil. The unit consists of concentric cylinders separated by a small annular gap. The inner cylinder is heated by the heater and the outer cylinder is cooled using water jacket.
Item Description
Thermal conductivity is an important property which determines heat transfer by conduction. It is essential to determine the thermal conductivity of liquids and gases as the heat transfer is influenced by the presence of liquids and gases, although conduction heat transfer process is more predominant in solids. Also, thermal conductivity of liquids and gases play an important role in convection heat transfer problems. Study of thermal conductivity of liquids and gases is of interest to the students of several branches of science, engineering and technology involved in heat transfer studies such as mechanical, chemical, automobile and aerospace engineering.
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