Mobile Bed & Flow Visualization Bench Model FM 68
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Mobile Bed & Flow Visualization Bench Model FM 68
Sci-tech Mobile Bed & Flow Visualization Demonstrator Model FM 68 consists of a tank made in three sections; inlet tank, working section and the discharge tank.
Item Description
Each section has flange on either side to join with remaining sections. The inlet tank has slitting baffle to stabilize the flow of water. A rail has been fixed on top of the tank & extends throughout the length of the tank to carry measuring instruments. A hook gauge is provided to measure the depth of the water as if flows through the tank. Water is supplied to the tank from a sump tank by a centrifugal pump. A control valve is used to regulate the water flow rate. A flow meter is used to measure the water flow rate.
Detailed Operation & Maintenance Manual is provided along with the trainer.
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