Heat Transfer by Convection & Radiation Model TH 104
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Heat Transfer by Convection & Radiation Model TH 104
* Heat transport between heating element and vessel wall by convection and radiation
* software for data acquisition
Item Description
Under real conditions, the heat transport between two objects is normally substance-bound, i.e. convection and/or heat conduction, and not substance-bound, i.e. radiation, at the same time. Determining the individual heat quantities of one type of transfer is difficult. Sci-tech Heat Transfer by Convection & Radiation Model TH 104 trainer enables users to match the individual heat quantities to the corresponding type of transfer. The core element is a metal cylinder in a pressure vessel. A temperature-controlled heating element is located at the centre of the cylinder. Sensors capture the wall temperature of the cylinder, the heating temperature and the heating power. This metal cylinder is used to examine the heat transfer between the heating element and the vessel wall.
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