Hooke’s Law Apparatus Model MT 062

In the Sci-tech Hooke’s Law Apparatus Model MT 062 the weights are loaded one by one and unloaded one by one to bring the spring to its elastic mode. Weights are then added in the pan and reading of pointer on the scale is noted. Some more weights are added and the readings are noted once again. The difference between the two gives the extension in the spring due to the weights added in the pan. The procedure is repeated for other weights. On plotting a graph between the load and extension, one gets a straight line as shown below. Thus, the graph verifies the Hooke’s law.

Size: 40cm x 40cm x 70cm (LxWxH)
Weight: 10 kg

Item Description


  • Support steel rod, Hard Base
  • With a hook fitted on the top by screw.
  • Adjustable scale Marked in mm with zero on top.
  • Set of 4 springs with constant hook & The springs are deferent in strength.
  • Steel mass hanger with enough indicators to reach the scale.
  • The extension of the spring at equal weights

In the Sci-tech Hooke’s Law Apparatus Model MT 062 the weights are loaded one by one and unloaded one by one to bring the spring to its elastic mode. Weights are then added in the pan and reading of pointer on the scale is noted. Some more weights are added and the readings are noted once again. The difference between the two gives the extension in the spring due to the weights added in the pan. The procedure is repeated for other weights. On plotting a graph between the load and extension, one gets a straight line as shown below. Thus, the graph verifies the Hooke’s law.

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