Steam Distillation Column BSG 018
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Steam Distillation Column BSG 018
Sci-tech Steam Distillation Column Model BSG 018 consists of jacketed pressure vessel for distillation. Steam from a steam generator can either be allowed to enter in the outer jacket or in the vessel. The vapors form the top of the vessel are condensed in the shell and tube type condenser by circulating cooling water supplied by laboratory overhead tank.
The condensate is colleted in a separating chamber. The set-up is fitted with steam trap control valves pressure gauge, temperature sensors and other instrumentations required
Item Description
- Stainless Steel tanks and wetted parts
- Superb Painted structure
- Simple to operate & maintain
- Compact & stand alone set up
Sci-tech Steam Distillation Column Model BSG 018 consists of jacketed pressure vessel for distillation. Steam from a steam generator can either be allowed to enter in the outer jacket or in the vessel. The vapors form the top of the vessel are condensed in the shell and tube type condenser by circulating cooling water supplied by laboratory overhead tank.
The condensate is colleted in a separating chamber. The set-up is fitted with steam trap control valves pressure gauge, temperature sensors and other instrumentations required
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