Automotive Ignition Distributor Model AM 275

The Ignition system distributor is a very important part of the car engine. It serves many important purposes and can be the cause of several engine problems if left uncared for.

Item Description

An ignition system distributor receives electricity from the ignition coil and sends a high voltage pulse to the correct cylinder’s spark plug. Engine timing is crucial in order for the engine to run smoothly. Distributors synchronize high voltage pulses with a cap and rotor. High voltage from the ignition coil is connected to the rotor, which rotates inside the distributor cap. The tip of the rotor spins past multiple contact points inside the cap, one contact point per cylinder. As the rotor passes each contact point, high voltage arcs over the small gap between the tip of the rotor and the contact point, sending an electric pulse to the spark plug of the appropriate cylinder and beginning the combustion process in the cylinder.

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