Round Diaphragm Apparatus Model MT 102

Sturdy, compact, self contained bench top unit for determining the surface strains and deflections of a flexible diaphragm under varying pressures.

Item Description

An aluminum diaphragm is clamped rigidly around its outer edge, creating a volume underneath its surface into which oil is filled. On the top surface of the diaphragm are attached 8 precision strain gauges at differing orientations. Round Diaphragm Apparatus Model MT 102 diaphragm is flexed, the strain gauge output is fed into a digital display, which is supplied.

The force applied to the diaphragm is created by pressurizing the oil underneath the diaphragm using a fine adjustment control mechanism. An analogue pressure indicator monitors the pressure, whilst an electronic pressure sensor monitors the same pressure but gives an output signal to the digital display.

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