PIC 16F877A TRAINER KIT Model 89-04
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PIC 16F877A TRAINER KIT Model 89-04
A Microcontroller is a type of micro-processor emphasizing high integration, low power consumption, self-sufficiency and cost effectiveness. The microcontroller design integrates additional elements such as Read-write memory for Data storage.
Item Description
Read-only memory, Peripheral devices, and input/output interfaces. At clock speeds of as little as a few MHz or even lower, Microcontrollers often operate at very low speed compared to modern day microprocessors, but this is adequate for typical applications.
By reducing the size, cost, and power consumption compared to a designusing separate Microprocessor, Memory, and Input/Output devices, Microcontrollers make it economical to electronically control many more
processes. Microcontroller Trainer Kits are accompanied by exhaustive manual with sufficient sample programs to study different features of Microcontrollers.
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