Hydrostatic Bench Model MH 48

Several experiments in Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics which are related to properties of fluids and hydrostatics can be carried out using the Sci-tech Hydrostatic Bench Model MH 48. This is a basic module which provides facilities to develop the understanding and knowledge of various fundamental principles and techniques required for the study of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics. The unit allows full range of experiments to be carried out including demonstration and measurement of fluid properties, effects of static pressure, application of pressure gauges and manometers and the study of stability of floating bodies. The Hydrostatic Bench is a very important module and is recommended for all Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Laboratories in Educational Institutions.

Size: 120cm x 65cm x 166cm (LxWxH)
Weight: 70 kg

Item Description

Several experiments in Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics which are related to properties of fluids and hydrostatics can be carried out using the Sci-tech Hydrostatic Bench Model MH 48. This is a basic module which provides facilities to develop the understanding and knowledge of various fundamental principles and techniques required for the study of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics. The unit allows full range of experiments to be carried out including demonstration and measurement of fluid properties, effects of static pressure, application of pressure gauges and manometers and the study of stability of floating bodies. The Hydrostatic Bench is a very important module and is recommended for all Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Laboratories in Educational Institutions.

Technical Specifications

Important components and specifications:
The unit consists of the following experimental apparatus:
1. U-tube water manometer, 0-450 mm.
2. Capillary attraction plates.
3. U-tube mercury manometer, 0-450 mm.
4. Capillary tubes, 4 tubes.
5. Bourdon gauge, 0-3 kg/cm2.
6. Mercury barometer.
7. Aneroid barometer.
8. Falling sphere viscometer, 40 mm tube dia., 10-850 St.
9. Capillary viscometer, 10cSt – 40cSt.
10. Hair Hygrometer
11. Specific gravity bottle, 50 ml.
12. Thermometer, 0-500C.
13. Triple beam balance, 0-2610 g.
14. Hydrometer, 1.0 – 2.0.
15. Beakers, containers, pipette.
16. Free surface tubes.
17. Vernier hook gauge, stainless steel, 0-150 mm.
18. Dead weight pressure tester, resolution: 0.05 mm.
19. Apparatus to measure hydrostatic pressure.
20. Pascal’s apparatus.
21. Archimedes principle apparatus.
22. Apparatus for determination of meta-centric height.
23. Digital pressure indicator.
24. Air pump.
25. Stop clock.
A comprehensive instruction and laboratory teaching manual describing the apparatus, method of conducting experiments and analysis of data and results will be supplied along with the equipment.



(a) Experiments on properties of fluids:

  1. Measurement of pressure.
  2. Measurement of temperature.
  3. Measurement of humidity.
  4. Determination of density and specific gravity of liquids.
  5. Determination of viscosity of liquids.
  6. Study of capillarity.

(b) Techniques of pressure measurement

  1. Familiarization with different methods of pressure measurements.
  2. Mercury barometer.
  3. Aneroid barometer.
  4. U-tube water manometers.
  5. Bourdon type pressure gauge.
  6. Digital pressure indicators.
  7. Calibration of pressure gauges.
  8. Comparison of various pressure measuring techniques.

(c) Experiments related to hydrostatics:

  1. Measurement of liquid levels.
  2. Demonstration of Pascal’s law.
  3. Study of relationship between liquid pressure and depth.
  4. Determination of the location of center of pressure for a plane surface.
  5. Verification of Archimedes principle.
  6. Determination of Meta-centric height.

 (d) Boyle’s Law apparatus

The Hydrostatic Bench is a self-contained and mobile unit mounted on a steel framed bench fitted with castor wheels. All equipment are kept on the bench panel as well as in the bench cup board.

Water is provided in a storage tank in the bench and a centrifugal pump delivers water for experiments. The unit is ideal for lecture room demonstrations and student projects.


Important components and specifications:

The unit consists of the following experimental apparatus:

  1. U-tube water manometer, 0-450 mm.
  2. Capillary attraction plates.
  3. U-tube mercury manometer, 0-450 mm.
  4. Capillary tubes, 4 tubes.
  5. Bourdon gauge, 0-3 kg/cm2.
  6. Mercury barometer.
  7. Aneroid barometer.
  8. Falling sphere viscometer, 40 mm tube dia., 10-850 St.
  9. Capillary viscometer, 10cSt – 40cSt.
  10. Hair Hygrometer
  11. Specific gravity bottle, 50 ml.
  12. Thermometer, 0-500
  13. Triple beam balance, 0-2610 g.
  14. Hydrometer, 1.0 – 2.0.
  15. Beakers, containers, pipette.
  16. Free surface tubes.
  17. Vernier hook gauge, stainless steel, 0-150 mm.
  18. Dead weight pressure tester, resolution: 0.05 mm.
  19. Apparatus to measure hydrostatic pressure.
  20. Pascal’s apparatus.
  21. Archimedes principle apparatus.
  22. Apparatus for determination of meta-centric height.
  23. Digital pressure indicator.
  24. Air pump.
  25. Stop clock.

A comprehensive instruction and laboratory teaching manual describing the apparatus, method of conducting experiments and analysis of data and results will be supplied along with the equipment.


‘Sci-Cal’ Computer Control Software & Interface

‘Sci-Cal’ software & hardware has been designed for use with more than 600 ‘Sci-tech’ trainers. ‘Sci-Cal’ comes in a module that can be fitted or mounted on the Sci-tech trainers very easily.

‘Sci-Cal’ box has 11 inches front HMI interactive panel, inside are i3 processor computer with it’s own hard drive & software processor with 16 to 32 analog and 16 to 32 digital signal data-loggers. The ‘LabVIEW’ processes the input signal with in-built data and formulae to tabulate results for the Sci-tech trainers.

‘Sci-Cal’ box has HDMI output for connection to a projector or an electronic whiteboard or a monitor.

‘Sci-Cal’ box has input ports for inputs from the Sci-tech trainer sensors.

‘Sci-Cal’ eliminates requirement of external computer.


Services required
Electrical Supply, 220-240 V, 50Hz earthed single-phase.

Overall dimensions
H = 1660 mm, W = 1200 mm, D = 650 mm.
The manual describing the theoretical and practical aspects of the apparatus, operation, analysis of results, and sample of results will be supplied with the equipment.

Model Number

MH 48