Flow Visualization Channel MODEL FM 20
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Flow Visualization Channel MODEL FM 20
The Sci-tech Flow Visualization Channel Model FM 20 is a bench top open channel unit and has been designed to conduct experiments related to open channel flows and to visualize stream line patterns over or around various objects.
Item Description
Study of open channel flows and visualization of flow patterns around objects is a subject of interest in basic fluid mechanics. A small flow channel with a provision to control flow velocity and to inject dye into the flow can provide a very useful tool to study several aspects of potential flow and streamline patterns. Flow visualization channel is an important apparatus for students in fluid mechanics, hydraulics, civil, mechanical and related areas in science and technology.The apparatus consists of a clear acrylic flow channel having large width-to -depth ratio. Overshot and undershot weirs are provided at the inlet and exit of the channel section. The channel section has a bell mouth entry to reduce flow disturbances. The FM100 Hydraulic Bench or any other standard hydraulic bench models can be used to supply and recycle water. The water flow rate can be varied using the membrane type flow control valve fixed at the exit of the flow channel. Water flow rate and hence the flow velocity is measured by the volumetric measuring tank (of the hydraulic bench). Water is supplied from the supply tank at a constant head. The supply tank consists of glass beads to reduce flow disturbances. Flow patterns are visualized using dye injection through needle valves. Dye injection rate can be controlled and adjusted to improve the quality of flow patterns. Different scaled models of sharp and broad crested weirs, cylinders, hump, symmetrical and unsymmetrical airfoils, airfoil with flap, wing, hump, disc and cuboid are provided. Models can be fixed in the test section using suitable fixture. The water level in the channel is measured using a depth gage. The complete unit is manufactured from corrosion resistant materials.
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