– Facilitates easy and safe wiring by students due to use of 4mm sturdy Shrouded banana patch cords and shrouded socket arrangements.
– All machines are mounted on finely painted sturdy base frame with easy machine inter-changeability. Use of gear coupling facilitates screw-less coupling.
– With due emphasis on student safety machines operate up to 300W power levels and up to 1500 RPM, without compromising on didactic use. It is possible to draw all graphs.
Item Description
– Trunnion mounted DC integrated machine is used as Dynamometer for loading other machines with facility to measure shaft power using electronic torque / speed measurement
– Order one Dynamometer type DC m/c per aluminum Rack with 17 (14+3) panels each (such 6sets) & one each of other m/c to complete the 6 sets.
Refer to Modules required for specific experiments.
– Computer interface panel & ‘Machines SciCal’ software optionally provided to suit specific requirements of machines set up
Technical Specifications
A) Aluminum profile sturdy flat panel (table top) system, carrying various high voltage components
housed in plastic enclosures (panel) to minimize shock possibility.
– Input 3 phase DOL Starter panel
– 4 pole MCB of 415 V/2A .
– DOL 9A Contactor with 230V / 50 Hz / 11VA COIL .
– Bimetallic thermal O/L relay with range 1.4A – 2.3A .
B) Integrated AC (3/1 phase) measurement panel EMT34 Bidirectional optionally with PC interface & multifunction power meter
– Consist of 2 nos of (96X96mm) Digital meters one each for 3 & 1. Measures V, I, PF (0.2 lag – unity 0.2 lead), Hz. Hence separate analog wattmeters (3, 1) are not needed.
– Current specs for 3 meter = 1.5A (Balanced load) and 1A/5A for 1 meter (170-250V).
C) FWD/REV, Star-Delta starter panel
– FWD/REV, 3 pole 3 way switch with centre OFF, 6A/440V.
– Star/Delta switch 3 pole, 3 way with centre OFF, 6A/440V.
D) 3 Phase wound Rotor & Sync. Motor panel
– Rotor resistors of 30E/5A with 3 taps of 0E, 15E, 21E, 30E each ——–3 nos
– Rotor resistor selector switch, 3 pole.6 Way .6A/440 V.
– DC Rotor excitation over current relay (3Amp)
E) 1⌀ Motor, Alternator & Sync. Motor Panel
– 1⌀ MCBs of 4A/1.6A 1 each.
– 2no 2P2W selector switches to run as 1 alternator then as synchronous motor.
– 8A pushbutton switch to simulate as centrifugal switch.
F) DC voltmeter and DC ammeter panel (EMT 6A/6B)
a) DC voltmeter (0-300V)
b) DC Ammeter (0-5A) with polarity protection diode
c) Field failure relay to control Armature supply. Both 6A/6B needed simultaneously.
G) SCR Actuator (variable DC) cum sensor signal conditioning panel (EMT9) [4 Shrouded Banana]
– Full bridge SCR based 0V-195V / 5 Amp cosine firing with linear charateristics.
– Supports signal conditioning circuit for speed, torque in kg wt to output 0-2.5Vdc (FS).
– 3 Nos. of these supplies required for DC Armature, DC motor field and AC generator field.
H) Instrumentation Power supply cum Multichannel DPM panel
(a) +/-12 V, 500 mA (b) +5V, 300mA (c) Unregulated 17V dc/750 mA
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